Transparent conversation:  I can’t stand working out!!! WHO’S WITH ME? Let’s be honest here, keep it real, 100%, LOL!

I know there are some incredibly motivated people that revel in every single run and push-up but that has never been me. I try to force myself to do some sort of physical activity as much as I can, but there are days and weeks that go by when I don’t do a single thing to push myself, and that’s exactly when I notice a change:

  • My energy levels are low.
  • My sleep schedule is off.
  • My stress level increases.
  • My mood is more on edge.
  • My normal bodily functions become less productive. 
  • My metabolism slows down.

Everything is affected! Finally, after getting mad at myself and having an internal battle about whether or not I should make exercising a priority, I recognize my need for it. When my physical health is a priority, my entire being functions the way it was created to function. Without it, both my physical and spiritual life are thrown into a whirlwind. 

You better believe that we need to take care of both our physical health and our spiritual health! The world tries to separate the two and forget the role that our spiritual life plays in our physical life, and vice versa. When we sin, it affects not just our souls, but our bodies as well. When we pray, it not only affects us spiritually, but also physically.  

Whatever your struggle may be or the long to-do list you have, I need you to truly REMEMBER that His presence is always more important!

Believe me, I understand that we are constantly moving from one thing to the next, but His presence helps us to refocus our minds on what is true, good, and beautiful! We will be best at what we’re supposed to do when we take time to let him reorient our mind. It’s kind of ironic, many times I think I don’t have time to go into adoration to go and pray to be still because of all the busyness and things I need to get done… But in reality, His presence is exactly what I need to get through the day!!!

I know exactly what you’re thinking: “we are so used to doing” – but when we are in His presence, we need only to BE. He simply asks us to just exist before Him. We don’t have to pray a certain way. We don’t have to say the right, holy thing. We just need to BE, and he will take care of the rest.

Are you in need of rest?

“The Lord will fight for you, you need only BE still” (Exodus 14:14).

Pastor Michelle Torres-Gonzalez, Freedom South, Jacksonville

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