This past month was a time of self reflection and to ask God to realign my mind and heart with His. I am so grateful we have a Heavenly Father who welcomes us just as we are. He knows how we feel and he brings love and comfort each time. 

If anyone is like me (type 1), it is easy to become so overwhelmed by earthly, everyday things. Those to-do lists are never ending. If we don’t get those things done with perfection, we feel that we have failed. Constantly living in the mindset that if I don’t accomplish something, I must not be doing something right. Well, I tend to revert to that way of thinking and living when I have lost perspective of eternal things. 

Over the past month of praying & fasting and powerful services with my church family at Orange Park Calvary, my perspectives are being challenged and changed by the Holy Spirit. The truth is, when earthly things consume our hearts and minds, we will only experience what this earth experiences: anxiety, hurt, fear, etc. God never designed for us to be imitators of this world. Rather, He calls us to be imitators of Him. This is easier said than done for someone like me. Yet, by the power of The Holy Spirit we can live with minds and hearts set FREE by the power of His Word. While we are in this world, we do not have to be consumed by things in this world. So my prayer for this year and every day moving forward is simply this: God, give me heavenly perspectives, not earthly ones. 

This life isn’t about us. It’s only about His Kingdom. May each believer hold true to the Word that says, “Lord, your Kingdom come and your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven” (Matthew 6:10).

Rev. Candace Brown, Orange Park Calvary

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