Stronger 2025
STRONGER is our annual Conference for women in leadership. There are three general sessions and over 30+ workshops. You are sure to experience leadership growth to thrive personally and professionally, so do not miss it!
Happening March 21st – 22nd, 2025
Walk-in Registration After March 15th:
$90 / Student – $50

A Big Thank You For Our Sponsors

Keynote Speakers
Natalie Runion
A pastor’s daughter from Cincinnati, Ohio, Natalie is a graduate of Miami University. She holds a bachelor’s degree in education and has served the local church for over 20 years as a worship pastor and women’s pastor. Natalie is an author, songwriter, worship leader, and sought-after speaker in the global church. She currently resides in Kentucky with her husband Tony and their two daughters, where they work together to provide training and education to pastors and leaders in pursuit of a healthy and reconciled church.

Location Information
Our Venue
ARISE CHURCH at Southshore
3058 E. College Ave
Ruskin, FL 33570-5220
Conference Schedule
Thursday, March 20, 2025
- 6:30 pm: Women in Ministry Event
Friday, March 21, 2025
- 8:00 am: Registration Opens
- Gift Giveaway at Start of each Session
- 9:30 am – 12:00 pm: Main Session 1
- (Boutique & Booths Closed)
- Immediately following Main Session 1, Deanna will host a book signing at her book table.
- 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm: Lunch Break
- 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm: 5 x 10 Session
- (Boutique & Booths Closed)
- 2:45 pm – 3:30 pm: Workshop 1
- 3:45 pm – 4:30 pm: Workshop 2
- 4:30 pm – 6:45 pm: Dinner Break
- Gift Giveaway at Start of each Session
- 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm: Main Session 2
- (Boutique & Booths closed)
Saturday, March 22, 2025
- 9:00 am – 10:00 am: 5 x 10 Session
- (Boutique & Booths closed)
- 10:00 am – 10:30 am: Break
- Gift Giveaway at Start of each Session
- 10:30 am – 12:30 pm: Main Session 3
- (Boutique & Booths closed)

10×10 Sessions
Leading in a Man's World - Kristy Howell-Barron
The challenge is real for a woman who leads in what is still largely a man’s world in many ways. Pastor Kristy Howell-Barron has successfully led in co-ed leadership settings for decades. She will deposit wisdom into female leaders who want to do likewise, leading the way with integrity and excellence.
Lessons From The Field - Shellie Bowdoin
You’ve probably heard missionaries speak in your home church, but have you ever wondered what goes on in their minds? What makes them tick? Why do they do what they do, or how can they do it so far away? Shellie will share some insights and lessons she’s learned over the past three decades as a missionary to Southeast Asia.
Staying faithful in Chronic 911 Life - Judi Cotignola
How does a leader stay faithful to their call and assignment when faced with prolonged personal or family crisis? It’s not easy, but Judi Cotignola has been doing it for many years, and with grace. Don’t miss the wisdom she will impart in this session. You never know when you’re going to need it!
Leading the Next Generation - Marii Cruz
We are living in the last days, and we must reach this generation. What things are critical to know in leading the up and coming generation? Youth Pastor Marii Cruz is fired up to share all about it in this timely session.
How to Lead When You Aren't in Charge - Erika Hendricks
Perhaps you feel as if you can’t really make a difference because you are not “the boss” where you serve. Nothing could be further from the truth. You have the potential for huge influence. Leading from right where you are can cause a massive shift in the atmosphere and be a tremendous blessing to your leader and church/organization. Erika Hendricks has lived this out in diverse ministry and business settings and has so much to share that will give you a whole new perspective on leadership and ministry.
Don't Count Yourself Out - Renee Mathews
Many times, we are our own worst enemy. We count ourselves out before we ever even get started. Renee Mathews was once there. She struggled with confidence, but then, one day, everything changed. Renee is here to tell you about it and encourage you to be all in instead of counting yourself out.
Leading While Waiting for your Life-Saving Miracle - Seika McCroskey
Seika McCroskey was once waiting for her life-saving miracle – a kidney transplant. She had many ups and downs on the road to her miracle, and during the entire journey, she was leading at the same time. What lessons did she learn? She can’t wait to tell you all about it.
Leading Through Spiritual Warfare - Ada Simpson
The spiritual warfare leaders deal with is NO JOKE! One of the most difficult things about being a Christian leader is that we face battles most will never know about. The fight is fierce, but the battle is the Lord’s. What are the things you need to know to stay the course when the going gets incredibly rough? Pastor Ada is a seasoned leader and intercessor whose wisdom we will all glean from at Stronger.
How to Develop a Track Record as a Young Leader - Brianna Turbeville
Brianna Turbeville is a young lady who juggles many leadership responsibilities, being entrusted with them from an early age. How did she develop this track record, and how can you? She has wisdom beyond her years and is here to share it.
What I've Learned so far in Church Planting - Dani Whidden
Dani Whidden is the lead pastor of Hope Church Orlando, a church she planted in 2024. The church planting journey is one with many proverbial twists and turns. What lessons has Dani learned so far? We are going to be blessed by her insight at Stronger 2025, and if you’ve ever thought about planting a church, this session is a MUST for you.
A Tree of Possibilities - Tina Blount
Have you ever looked at your life and thought, “What now?” Particularly in your ministry or career, you may be at a crossroads wondering which way to turn. In every season, there are many possibilities for our lives, but sometimes we have a hard time identifying what those possibilities are. Tina’s experience as a Life Coach, Job Coach, and Pastor gives her unique qualifications to help us discover the beauty in the season we are in and how we can maximize our giftings for God’s glory.
Building a Thriving Ministry to Women - Judy Killebrew
A thriving women’s ministry feeds and nourishes women who turn around and impact the world. It can be the perfect source of spiritual growth, fellowship, and support for women within the church and community. If you have a strong desire to launch a women’s ministry but wonder how to cultivate community, this workshop is for you as Judy Killebrew shares 7 steps in fostering a women’s ministry that builds engagement, growth and purpose.
Creating SMART Goals for the Vision - Gabrielle Santiago
Has God given you a vision that you need to execute? Learn how to make SMART goals and a plan to execute the vision while learning practical tips on how to lean into God’s wisdom.
Why Do I Need Minister Credentials? - Shay Cole
You’ve been doing what you do without ministerial credentials, so why do you need them now? There is a list of good reasons you need to highly consider pursuing them, and Shay Cole, the Pen Florida Presbyter for Credentialed Women, will help you discover important reasons to consider pursuing the next step.
FAITH over Fear - Joy Conley
Fear has stopped many great leaders in their tracks from moving forward with what God has for them. Don’t allow your destiny to be derailed by fear. It’s time to move forward in faith, and Joy Conley is here to help you and give you the keys to breakthrough from fear that you face.
Great Leaders are Great Followers - Marianna Steele
Every great leader was first a great follower. Aristotle once said, “He who cannot be a good follower cannot be a good leader.” How are you doing as a follower of Christ and as a follower of the leader you serve under? Dr. Marianna is getting ready to give you leadership gold, so don’t miss it!
Including All Generations in the Team Decisions - Shelby Hardy
This generation wants and needs to be included in more than just setting up tables and chairs. While we all must be willing to serve, the younger generation is often left out of the decision-making process, leaving them feeling unneeded. Often these young people decide there is no place for them in the church. Learn from Pastor Shelby how you can involve all generations to a greater degree.
Lost Yourself? - Charissa Morgan
Did you ever wake up one day wondering, “Who am I?” and “Where am I headed?” and sort of feel like you’ve lost yourself in the journey of life and ministry? You are not alone, and Pastor Charissa is here to help.
Making a Lasting Impact in Your Community - Dayse Stolte
Dayse Stolte is passionate about and focused on helping people to really make a difference for Jesus in their community. She excels in leading people outside the four walls of the church to make a Kingdom impact. Learn from her how you and your church can reach people exponentially.
Overcoming Tragedy - Deniece McCroskey
Through tragedy, Deniece McCroskey, a pastor’s wife, became a widow at a young age and was left to raise three boys on her own as a single mother. Deniece has been through the fire and come out like gold. Her boys all serve God and are involved in full-time ministry. God has blessed her beyond measure and opened many doors of opportunity. She has a wealth of wisdom to share, and you don’t want to miss it.
Pioneering a Church - Nicole West
Pastor Nicole West and her husband Derrick planted Encounter Church in Wildwood, Florida. They have been meeting in a large tent that is filled to capacity week after week, and construction of their new church building has just begun. It has been a road filled with many obstacles and triumphs, and she is eager to share what God has taught her through the process in this workshop.
Fit & Free - Shellie Bowdoin
After decades of going up and down with her weight, Shellie realized she’d been freezing God out of her food struggles. She finally figured out that her behavior with food was directly tied to her expectations and assumptions built over time. Her workshop will discuss practical ways to renew your thinking and establish focused eating habits that you can carry on for the rest of your life.
Sacred Rest: The Self-Care Path to Mental & Emotional Health - Amanda Levy
Feeling drained? It’s time to reclaim your peace and prioritize self-care in a way that genuinely refreshes your soul. Join us to explore how embracing God’s definition of rest can restore your mental and emotional health. We’ll dive into simple, practical ways to bring Sabbath principles into your everyday life so you can experience the deep rest and wholeness God wants for you. Come, step into the sacred rest He’s designed, and let your soul be renewed.
Serving to the Next Level - Nikki Lane
We are often admonished that we need to be “servant leaders,” but what does that mean? Nikki Lane is a leader who embodies serving to the next level, and it’s why the PF Women leadership asked her to present this workshop. If you want to go to the next level, serving is where it’s at. Learn from Nikki how you can do that to a greater degree.
The Leader and Hard Conversations - Deanna Shrodes
Do some conversations you have to have as part of your leadership role leave you literally feeling sick? Do you dread some conversations so much that you put them off for as long as possible? Are you ready to learn how to master difficult conversations? Deanna is ready to share wisdom with you about taking the lead in challenging conversations and bringing your ministry or organization forward through whatever threatens to slow you down or discourage you.
What Happened to the Plan? - Judi Cotignola
How do you pick up the pieces and move on when everything falls apart? Judi has lost it all and gained wisdom and insight to keep moving forward. Come and be encouraged to stay strong as you pick up the pieces and thrive.
Widows Round Table - Bonnie Olsen
If you are a widow, you are invited to join the Widows Roundtable session and make connections with ladies walking the same road. This will be a time of encouragement and support facilitated by Bonnie Olsen, the coordinator of the PF Women Ministry to Widows.
Worship Leading Multi-Generationally - Marissa Nelson
How can you lead worship that includes and involves all generations? This is more important in the church than ever, but it can be a challenge to accomplish. Pastor Marissa Nelson is a seasoned worship leader who will provide tools to lead Spirit-led worship with excellence.
Healthy Pastors’ Wives - Danielle Woods
Being a pastor’s wife comes with its own special set of challenges and stressors. Amid the stress and demanding schedules, it is easy to lose sight of yourself. Danielle feels passionate about pastors’ wives walking in health and wholeness and knows that this begins with a healthy position with the Holy Spirit. Join Danielle as she gives you the tools to remember that you are not a title or a position—you are a daughter of the Most High.