1000 Sisters
It’s a movement.
It’s a Sisterhood.
It’s a united force of women.
It’s a heart for ministry.

Become a Sister today!
There are three options to partner with us and become a member of 1000 Sisters:
1. Give $100 cash at one of our events.
(If you are giving a one-time a year gift through cash or check it must be renewed yearly to be a current member of 1000 Sisters.)
2. Give $100 check made out to PFDC at one of our events or through the mail.
3. Payment plan: $10 per month, through online giving to be automatically deducted from your account monthly.
- The payment plan is only available when you choose the online monthly giving option of $10 a month.
- Donating online monthly is so easy! It only takes about 5 minutes to set up! Click Here After creating an account to make a donation, use the drop down menu for donating to 1000 Sisters. Select $10 donation, and then be sure to click the box that says that you will be giving this donation MONTHLY.
- As long as we continue to receive your monthly $10 donation online, you are considered a current 1000 Sister, not just this year but in the years to come, for as long as you continue giving!!
What do the women and churches of Pen-Florida receive on an ongoing basis as a result of your donation?
The following is including but not limited to:
- Leadership training’s.
- Ministry to pastors, pastors’ spouses and women’s ministry leaders on a regular basis. We have a commitment to honor these women and their families and provide something for them at all of our events.
- A word of hope DAILY through all of our social media outlets (Several short blurbs daily online, and something more substantial, on a weekly basis such as an article or podcast, designed to specifically help women grow in their faith. Our resources are specifically from a Pentecostal perspective.)
- A full-time women’s ministries director in the PFDC office and on the road. The role our director fulfills includes not only preaching but providing vision, administrating, planning, and serving to see the vision come to pass.
- The amazing opportunity to help us reach the millions of women who live in Peninsular Florida. Our vision is not only to reach thousands but millions! This is absolutely possible as we are empowered by the Holy Spirit and with the advancement of modern technology enabling us to reach out 24/7 on the web, which we are currently doing through many avenues. And we are growing all the time!
- District and regional conferences throughout the year. These events provide significant investment in the lives of women and teen girls.
- Opportunities to make a difference through the home and world missions giving of PF Women.
- Inspiring articles, blog posts, and other life-changing materials provided by our department on a regular basis.
- Podcasts and webinars that are strategically produced to meet women’s needs.
- Investing and encouraging leaders individually and corporately.
- Ministry to teen girls and young adult women 19-29 at our events
And the sky is the limit! Our vision is huge and the need is great.
What you personally receive upon joining:
- A thank you gift
- Invitation to an exclusive 1000 Sisters event at Thrive Conference.
- Invitation to an exclusive 1000 Sisters event at Stronger Conference
- Ongoing thank you gifts for your support
- A private Facebook page just for 1000 Sisters where you can receive prayer and support from Caryl Patterson (Director of 1000 SIsters) and her team.